Bits and Bobs

Jan 12, 2012 18:05

Random observation- idly watching VH1's top 100 songs of the 00's hosted by Pete Wentz. We're up to Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl, and PWentz is all "And here I thought we were over the pseudo-lesbian pop culture moment. Nope!" Damn, Wentz. BURN!

Broken toe is broken. Wore the post-op shoe to work yesterday, but those things are not made to be stood in for 8 hours. After about 4 hours, my alignment was thrown off, the sole of my foot hurt, and all my muscles ached from compensating for my foot. So I called Palmer and asked him to bring me my other sneaker. In case I haven't said it, Palmer is a prince among men.

Today, I wore my normal shoe, but brought the post-op just in case. Didn't end up using it today, but did have to move quickly to the back room to cry and curse after Buddy Coworker accidentally kicked my broken toe. Well, not kicked. Rather, turned and stepped back just as I was passing, and our feet collided. It hurt like hell. I seriously had to hurry to the back so that I wouldn't be spewing f-bombs behind the counter. Buddy Coworker felt really guilty, but it wasn't his fault. Just a stupid accident that hurt like a motherfucker.

Still been doing a lot of couch sitting. But at least I'm getting out the apartment between sessions on the couch. Classes start on Tuesday, so this is my last free weekend. Must. Celebrate. Exhaustively.

my body hates me

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