Dec 31, 2011 18:08
New Year is really just an arbitrary day to base goals on, I mean, what is to prevent someone from making a goal at any other time of year? Nothing! But New Years is traditional, and comes with all sorts of ideas about new year equaling fresh starts, and so we all decide that on January 1st we're going to completely change ourselves for the better.
I got impatient. Palmer and I went to La Madeleine for breakfast, and while I was sorely tempted by the pastries and the croque monsieur, I restricted myself to an oj, a fruit salad (still don't like cantaloupe, but honeydew is acceptable), and a quiche. I doubt I'll ever just be able to have a fruit salad for breakfast and be satisfied, because I love savory way too much. But if I can do things like start with a fruit salad and then have an egg, I think that'll work out far better than the eggs benedict or canadian bacon that are my weaknesses.
We stopped by World Market after breakfast, and I purchased 2 more antique style furniture knobs for my jewelry case project. I need one more (I forgot how many vertical areas there were) and then some pretty hooks for the horizontal areas. After I get all the knobs, I need to purchase paper to back the case with. I'm thinking just one paper, and maybe I'll alternate between wood and paper. Then, I have to purchase the correct size drill bit. And then crafting!
Palmer's back hurt, so we cut the shopping short and came back home, where he's been relaxing on the couch with a heating pad. I was relaxing with him for a while, then decided that I might as well clean and reorganize the kitchen. Which I've done. I've also done laundry and finally finished off that DIY dry erase board. The super glue for the magnets is drying as I type.
We also had to give Loki a bath. We gave Goblin a bath last week because I noticed he had poop stuck in the fur near his butt, and Goblin... reacted badly. We also had to cut out a rather serious mat we discovered while drying him, which has led to the decision to start having Goblin trimmed regularly. Anyhow! Loki also had poopy butt, which I didn't particularly want all over the chairs and carpet, so into the bath he went. Despite the fact that he is bigger, heavier, and more obnoxious than Goblin, Loki was the easier one to bathe. True, he tried to leap out of the tub, and eventually yowled mournfully, but he didn't writhe about nearly as much as Goblin, and actually allowed me to use soap on him. Once we got him out of the tub and were drying him, he calmed down significantly, and even let me pick him up. He's a brat, but he's my fave.
We're hanging out at the apartment until this evening, and then we'll head over to a friend's house for a small party. Should be fun.
Happy New Year everybody!
i can has cat?,
project massive clean