Dec 03, 2011 22:31
So uh... my lack of motivation regarding schoolwork may have extended up until today. Heh. So I've spent several hours today slogging through statistics homework. Oh, how I hate statistics. Whatever. Almost done! 2 questions left! Go me. :)
But! I got a ton done around the apartment! I cleaned the bedroom, organized my closet, folded SO much laundry. I also cleaned the living room, vacuumed, cleared the dining table, cleaned out and organized the hall closet. And I tackled the kitchen! Went through the fridge and cleaned out grody leftovers, swept and mopped the floor, took out SO MANY recyclables, and DID ALL THE DISHES!
Finally, I took out the Christmas decorations! Now, I don't have a lot of Christmas decorations, and since we've moved to the new, bigger apartment, the few that I have look even sparser. But! I have put them up! And last night Palmer and I bought and decorated a little 3' tabletop Spruce! It is lovely, and small, and covered in ornaments! No lights, because it is wee. But it is still pretty! And oh-so-intriguing to the cats. Goblin and Loki keep sticking their heads right into the needles, and making weird faces. Thankfully they've not yet gone after the ornaments.
Today Palmer and I went out to Ikea to buy him a dresser. He'd been storing most of his clothes in his closet, but it was getting a bit silly, so we finally went and got him a dresser of his own. We set it up this evening, and put my old tv on top of it. It looks good! And now we can watch different things at the same time! Or just watch tv in bed. Whatever.
That's about it. Made Peasant Soup tonight, it was pretty tasty! Next time I'll cut the sugar a bit, I like my food more salty. But still, quite nombly! Tomorrow I won't be cooking, but Monday I'm having my second go at risotto. Wish me luck!
its christmastime motherfuckers!,
my thrilling life of academia,
project massive clean