Less than 2 weeks to the new apartment! Of course, these next two weeks are probably going to be hot and miserable, but whatever, I see the air-conditioned light at the end of this stuffy tunnel!
It is amazing what you can accumulate over time. Seriously, we've been going through my stuff and packing it up, and I have so much CRAP, I can't even begin to say. I went through my wardrobe last week and filled three trash bags with items for donation. Not to mention the two bags that we filled as we moved Palmer out of his place!
Closet and desk have been successfully sorted through and packed up. It is strange to see the Closet of DOOM looking so very empty, I'm used to it being so very stuffed that I can't actually get anything out of there. Good times!
Today I am experimenting with temperature controls. When I woke up at 9 and it was pleasant in the apartment, I immediately closed all the windows and blinds and turned the AC on. The temperature has so far held steady. Granted, "steady" is a balmy 84 degrees, but compared to the 93 it got up to a few weeks ago, I'll take what I can get.
LJ apparently doesn't want me to post at all, because it just ate most of this entry. And last time I tried to update, back in June, it ate that entry as well. I don't know why it hates my posts, but let's see if this actually works this time.
Ok, it worked!
One reason I haven't updated in so long is that I've been battling a serious bout of depression. Part of that was being overwhelmed with school, work, and moving, and part of that was just my brain chemicals going wonky on me. I'm currently looking for a talk therapist, and am planning on discussing my getting back on various medications. I don't want to, but I think I need to.
I've become seriously addicted to the "Offbeat" websites. Offbeat Home is like crack, ok? Seriously, so many DIY projects bookmarked, can't wait to do them! Homemade dry erase board? Yes please!
I also managed to locate the tattoo artist who did the flowers on my feet. This is good news! I want her to do more tattoos for me! So in December or January, after saving up Christmas tips, I think I shall go get a large tattoo. Either the Portuguese Man of War on my thigh or the phoenix on my back. I am excite!
That's all for now, though I'll try to update more often. Two month hiatus is not what the doctor ordered.