May 11, 2011 11:49
WHY does every character on every tv show HAVE to get some stupid nickname from fandom? Seriously, why? I get that when you're writing fanfic you want to make the characters seem closer, or more casual with each other, or having pet names for each other, but it doesn't have to be EVERYONE! Gah!
What set me off this time was reading the TWoP forums for Game of Thrones, and people are referring to Daenerys as "Dany." Oh my god, stop it. What's next, "Visy" and "Drogy"? Obviously some of the characters already have nicknames; Eddard is commonly called Ned, Catelyn is called Cat. But NOT EVERYONE needs a nickname! Guh, its like on Supernatural where, I swear to god, people were calling Lucifer "Luci." Seriously? Luci? He's the fucking devil, just call him Lucifer!
And if fans of BSG ever referred to Starbuck as "Star" I don't want to know about it. Starbuck WAS her nickname, dammit!
arg! i'm so angry!