(no subject)

Aug 28, 2011 09:15

So I was at work day dreaming as usual....and I came up with a well thought out debate on why religion exists. it was a lot more organized, it was days ago...but I figured I'm awake...why not write it down.

if you really want to dive in and be offended if your a believer, go right ahead. I just dont want to hear any shit about it. after all, these are MY thoughts, and MY journal. I can say what I damn well please.

the whole thing started with one guy apparently.
his friend may have done something, or his family, whatever the reason, he stepped up and took the blame for it. pretty noble of the guy.

people may have thought, oh, he did something nice for someone else, he must be a god. after all, this is the age where humanity as a whole was pretty retarded, and anything they couldn't explain was god related....for example, during that time, the Greeks and Romans had gods for everything, the sun, the water, the wind, the feelings of lust, hate, and don't forget war, humans love war!
but, back then, the common folk were more retarded than their land owners, so everything was lumped into one central being...one god.

nobody knew how we came to be, why we exist, why we are here on this floating mass of what we call a planet. thus, god created it. now we no longer have to be curious, and any reason other wise is heracy.

whenever humans need a reason to do something, and they either don't want to tell others, or it made no sense in the first place....god made them do it. so more wars have been fought for god, or in the name of god.

whenever you don't want to feel guilt of that action, or anything else you've done, or might do, no worries, god forgives you, do whatever you please...

want to earn money, skip through tax loop holes, and entertain the masses? make your own version or tweak the book a bit, build a nice place called a church, and start asking for money.

believing can be good for you too..

for people who don't believe in themselves, they can't do a task, or accomplish a goal, if they succeed or not, its because god wanted it that way....so either way, be a happy little zombie because you win either way.

thou shalt not kill or do harm unto others always makes me chuckle....yes, its a sound reason, but look above, more wars and deaths have been FOR GOD or in the name of.....

generally, its all human created, so people or, sheepole, can live their lives knowing everything has a reason, there is no chance, everything happens because its some huge floating being wants it that way...

its all based on giving people hope and closure for whatever humanity wants to do, or already did.

sorry. but I don't accept the easy way out of things like that.

I want to take responsibility for MY actions, discover on my own why we are here. etc.

and if I don't, no sweat, We already exist...why worry?

well, that was fun, if your down here you either didn't read it, or you clicked it and read it. ill come back and give it more organization later, I just woke up, its a little sloppy.

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