(no subject)

Sep 08, 2012 00:20

So lets see.....
What's new with me.

Not much....

I never heard back from the gunshop. I still work at my shit job. Which is going bankrupt soon.  They are too retarded to fire the fuking idiots they have working there. So it's just going to be a slow spiral into the ground.

Matt has tried contacting me. But to his loss I was in Anna Maria island detecting the beaches. So I didn't bother picking up. He ended up showing up at my house and talking to my dad.  About.  I dunno. I never asked. But I haven't heard from him since.

Chris and I have been detecting with my little brother.  It's nice having a friend that doesn't try to rule me with an iron fist. He actually asks what we want to do and we actually talk over the plans. Other than tell me what we are doing.  We pay back and forth for food and drive etc.... Just like matt and I used to do. When things were actually fun.

So,  that's nice to have again. Someone into the same things I am,  and actually contributes.

I sold one of my many mosin this week. Made 70bucks profit off it.
It was one I never bothered shooting really so it had no purpose in my possession. I just got it with another as a package deal so it was cheap.

I've been really cracking down on my spending. I buy everything in bulk for weeks ahead of time.
Tomorrow I'm going to the bank to have them transfer my Capitol one card onto a card of theirs that has a year of interest free payments. Then the Apr is less than capitol one anyways after the year is up. Capitol one was a good card for a new start of credit. That's it.

I've almost got everything of mine paid off,  along with having a savings account filling up. slowly getting stable again. after all that chaos of being jobless,then getting a job again, all the while I was being dragged around to spend money.
it got out of hand. it really did.

so yeah. my first time actually having an actual savings buffer is nice. my stocks my grandma setup for me when I was born has been doing good.....sooner or later ill either buy land, or buy a fixer upper pos shack somewhere...

my guns have slowed down to a hault. I haven't even gotten ammo....which I really need to do....
I want to have a buffer on ammo just incase something weird happens I want my cushion of ammo.

ill handle that situation when my funding gets better.

I really need a better job....but applications piss me the hell off. WHY can't jobs just accept resumes anymore. EVERYONE has you fill out the same old boring time consuming bullshit. expcially when you have worked at enough places I have....

if you ask in person...you are just directed to a computer. nobody cares about you as a person....they just want your details filled out so they don't have to do it themselves.and because of this...I never fill out apps...they make me sooooooooooø mad


lets see....what else.....

still looking for a decent female for myself.....one thing Matt has done, he's gotten me really outgoing.  I can talk to just about anyone near me....but the funny thing is, I talk to them like I've known them forever, so I never ask for a number or ask to go somewhere.....because I naturally expect us to meet again like I know them already....lol.....

which also reminds me of how blind I apparently still am...because according to Chris this mid40s lady was flirting with me hardcore.....I just thought she was drunk....fail....at least I didn't notice to someone who didn't matter.....lol.

lets see....anything else....my ATV engine is still sitting here half apart. I don't have the means to take it apart further so I need to actually send it to a shop on 17th street....have I done it....no. my goal was to get this thing together and build a custom trailer for the flywheelers show in November....but....that idea lost steam so I might just end up going February ...

I'm watching what I've been eating for once...which is getting rid of my plump feeling...I take a multivitamin when I remember to in the mornings....usually only eat once if its a work day because I do nothing at home to make me hungry afterwards ...unless I go detecting then I usually get whatever extrasupersizefatassfuker meal I can find at a fast-food joint. Yes, hi, I would like your number five, extra super fatass size please...

aside from that, I feel better. I have some sort of meat, fresh fruit, a sweet,and a rootbeer for lunch. breakfast is fruit and a poptart. FUK VEGETABLES :) not worthy of my time. fruit are far superior.

well....I think that I've made this long enough for now....amazed I can make entries so long....huh....weird.


anything important ....think.....
dot dot dot dot........


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