(no subject)

Aug 11, 2012 13:18

So I had a dream I was back in school. I was looking for my second period class. Each class had a strange symbol meaning what it was about. And I went to a class I thought it was....physics ...I was wrong. The teacher said goodluck and I should switch classes if I can't find it. But I couldn't get any info from her about it.

So I'm running around the second floor trying to find this symbol for the class. It almost looks like two dominos side by side. Only they were round. And the teacher was Dr
Kai. ( last thing I read on Facebook was about elissas friends kid ) that's where the name is from.

So I find this interesting place and it ends up being a huge military supply of ammo. I'm talking to the Guy and it ends up he sells all this. I asked him for some 3006 lake city or hxp ammo and he asks to see my schedule.  He said I'd be getting plenty for free. I was like...wait....what???

He told me if I could find the class and I could keep with it. I said I would deserve the ammo no problem.

Well hell yeah.

So. I run down the hall into a Greek mythology class....and the teacher is retiring soon so he didn't care if he told me. He said its down the hall on the right through the fire escape. I was like.WTF.

So I go out the fire escape. Down the ladder and out into the rain. I see an entire street of people. A line of disorganized people. Some with weaponry. Some completely confused. Some people knew me ( my name is martin, I watched my brother play a game where that is his game name )  they said oh my martin your actually going to go through with this???  I asked go through with what? They said with this kidnapping! HUH?? but that's all they'd say.

So I went to the back of the line. Where someone met up with me checked my schedule and said I was in the right place. I asked what this even is and why are there weapons all over the place with students. But didn't answer and left.

As I progressed up the line. I stopped by an entire store looking setup of weapons. M1 garands, jappanese arisakas, Russian svts and mosins ...etc. some from every race. The price tag on an m1 was 230$ so I just grabbed one not knowing if I was supposed to or not. Along with a belt to hold the bayonet. Everyone else was grabbing full automatics. Someone came from behind the shop and said Ah You must be martin. Shook my hand and left. WTF IS GOING ONNNNNNN. As I progressed in line. All sorts of different weapons were available. Swords. Knives pistols etc. Anything that could be used as a weapon was basically available. I kept with what I had. But everyone else was grabbing anything they could carry. I had my carry belt and suspenders along with ammo pouches all over myself. A 1911 pistol and bayonet. Then the m1 garand I grabbed at the beginning.

I got to the final area and a Guy asked in a really smartass attitude what else I needed that I couldn't find. I needed ammo, a full cleaning kit, some oil,  grease, canteen, and some food. He commented saying that I guess I planned to stay around a while. And that confused me because I still didn't know what was going on. When I was handed ammo I realized the bullets were plastic ...the Guy said its just for the first round. They wont hurt unless hit in a specific spot. And that's how you pass. As I got to the next area I noticed people were extremely nervous. I didn't know what was going on. So I didn't really care. I was content with all my free gear. ^_^ I saw people strapping on what looked like metal armour. But only for their front. And not their face.

I found out this was preperation for the practice round. Or. PRETEST. I tried armour on. But didn't like it because I really messed with my stances and I couldn't aim or go prone or anything with that shit on. So I didn't worry about it.

That's when I noticed on the other side of the street. There was a whole other line. Doing the same stuff.  That must be the "enemy" or something. I dunno.

The practice area was a wooded area of trees and such right at the end of the road. We were told shots to the body armour make us fail. If you turned around and got hit, your dead for putting your back to the enemy. And if you got hit in the face, your dead anyways.

That's when I realised why people were nervous.

We were thrown into the wooded area. About ten of us. And ten of them. The armour were two different colors and it stuck out.

People trusted their armour. If they got hit. They failed the class. No big deal to them. But some got hit in the face and died instantly.  I was basically invisible because I had no bright colored armour on. I could travel fast because I didn't over burden myself with every bit of gear possible. And I knew the weapon I had.

I laid down next to a bush and fired away.  Picking them off one at a time. The armour making easy targets. That's when I saw more and more kept coming. Good thing I had them stock me on more than the normal amount of ammo.

Then I woke up from my cellphone ringing from my credit card daily report.

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