So I've decided that to make it easier on myself at the end of the year, I'll do a monthly wrap-up of my videos. As with my '07 post, all links will go directly to YouTube as all posts at
fadedpaperare members-locked; and there's a meme/discussion at the bottom. :) This will likely be my biggest month this year as I'll be starting TAFE next month (hopefully). If I make a video tomorrow, I'll edit it in - I did it tonight cos I'm not sure how busy I'll be tomorrow.
January 2008
she's a rebel - elle bishop (HEROES)
rebirthing - mohinder/bennet (HEROES)
time after time - claire/hrg (HEROES)
i remember - peter/elle (HEROES)
stupid - nate/blair (GOSSIP GIRL)
perfect grave - nathan/haley (ONE TREE HILL)
halo - blair waldorf (GOSSIP GIRL)
meant to live - peter petrelli (HEROES)
more than that - lucas/haley/nathan (ONE TREE HILL)
harder to breathe - sylar (HEROES)
something to believe in - claire/john (HEROES/THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES)
everything changes - blair/chuck (GOSSIP GIRL)
we all fall down - noah/claire/nathan (HEROES)
shadow of death - claire bennet (HEROES)
closer - claire bennet (HEROES)
half jack - niki/jessica/gina sanders (HEROES)
faintly toxic - blair/chuck (GOSSIP GIRL)
teardrops on my guitar - nathan/haley (ONE TREE HILL)
you fight me - mohinder/sylar (HEROES)
animal i've become - claire bennet (HEROES)
feeling a moment - ensemble (HEROES)
home - ensemble (ONE TREE HILL)
the ghost of you - nathan/haley (ONE TREE HILL)
pretty girl - claire bennet (HEROES)
girlfriend - haley/brooke/rachel (ONE TREE HILL)
stand still, look pretty - brooke davis (ONE TREE HILL)
what goes around - nathan/niki/peter (HEROES)
you're not alone - claire/desmond (LOST)
all we are - claire/hrg (HEROES)
facedown - nathan/niki/sylar (HEROES)
prelude - elle/haley (HEROES/ONE TREE HILL)
Final Numbers:
Total: 31 music videos
Fandoms: Heroes (19), Gossip Girl (4), One Tree Hill (8), The Sarah Connor Chronicles (1), Lost (1)
My favorite video this year month (of my own):
Definitely a three-way tie between "faintly toxic", "girlfriend" and "what goes around". If it were just effects wise, I'd say "faintly toxic" hands down because I think the effects in that one was pretty amazing and fun - but "girlfriend" is one I definitely adore, and it was hard work making everything 'pop' like that; and "what goes around" came out fantastically too in my opinion. :D Yup, they're easily my favourites.
My least favorite:
I don't like "stand still, look pretty" very much (although it's done quite well - seriously 115 favourites in 5 days! that's just wrong when it's a video I don't like, haha).
Most successful video:
Views wise, "perfect grave" has been my most successful video this month (big surprise) although it's followed oh-so-closely by "halo" (literally a handful of views) and "halo" has 129 favourites to "perfect grave"s 117, haha, so I guess "halo". Go Blair! :)
Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
"half jack", definitely. Poor Niki, she's so unloved in that fandom. And I loved "half jack", it's so much fun and it's my longest video ever.
Most fun video to make:
"half jack", along with all the videos listed in my favourites of the month, and also my evil!Claire videos, haha. :D:D
Hardest video to make:
"closer" was kinda difficult towards the end (I think that's noticeable too) but other than that it hasn't been too bad. :) I've been very creatively open this month, haha.
The things I've learnt this year month...
Nothing I didn't already know. ;) People suck. Oh, and they like to pimp themselves out to me - ugggh go away, if you're so good I'll find you myself. *headdesk* It's alright if they genuinely think I'll enjoy it - but doing it to leech off me (and trust me, I know someone in particular who keeps doing it and it's aggravating) sucks. And apparently people can't read either. -_-
Things to work on in 2008
As I said before: I'd love to learn how to use a program like "particleIllusion" to make really rad special effects. I've already worked on not editing down my songs as much - I've made much longer videos lately.
Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this year next month:
More of the pair-Elle-with-everyone project - I barely worked on that!
Boone/Shannon ♥
A Dan/Haley/Peter (GG/OTH/HEROES) video. :):)
I got 225 subscribers this month on YouTube. OHYEAHBB!!!