Jul 11, 2005 13:34
So..hmm thinking on whats new with me is not much im in search for another job but always have been and no luck :( grr help! if you do know of a place that is hiring part-time because I want 2 jobs ..but yeah let me know..please! :)..Im great at food service/preparation..since I have worked at movie theatres and still do work at one..and customer service,cashier..etc .. Im going to try and apply at Buffalo Wild wings soon... so hopefully I get a job there or at Jevaes' cousin Ninas' sales job..so yeah ::hopes:: I need a second job so I can pay off my insurance on the car..once I do get my license.. Im going camping pretty soon July 22nd-24th in New Braunsfels with Jevae,his dad,Jennifer(jevaes' dads' gf/my neighbor&her son,Kris,kris'mom,andy&alex.. and not sure who else is going but yeah ::shrugs:: I know its going to be fun...my computer is fucked up right now and is being a bitch whenever I go to myspace or yahoo to check my e-mail but livejournal is the only site its letting me go on..strange :/ its raining hard right now.. err im soo tired lately ..don't know whats wrong with me when I do get enough sleep :/ Well my parents/little brother are in Indiana right now ..there coming back around the 15th..when they get back my dads' going to give me his little grill that he doesn't want anymore so I can't wait for that.. I recieved a letter from my penpal Brittany Lee..she is Japanese..but lives in Conneticut right now.. she gave me a dried up rose petal in the letter which I thought was really sweet of her to do shes also going to be sending me something from Japan ..her birthday is coming up soon so im going to try and send her something nice.. that be really cool to go to Japan.. :) of course I would want to learn some Japanese before I go so I wouldn't get lost.. but that may be years before I go.. well Jevae&I are doing much better now which makes me happy :) I really haven't been in love like this expecially not having it really get old ya know ? Im thinking on what to do for his b-day coming up .. I know he wants a tattoo so I'll pitch some money in for that since other ppl are too but I'd like to get him something..he got me a really nice b-day cake with fruit and stuff.. so yeah any good ideas..please let me know! :) Im going to update more later..Im also going to be sending the money out for my corset.. pictures of it are up on my myspace blog.. well bye for now.
P.S. yesterday when we were going to get cat food/litter and something to drink..Jevae told me I was really pretty :) heh it put a huge smile on my face and he was also talking to his friend on the phone and said "my girlfriend is pretty" :D .. I feel loved :*