Melt Banana,,not going to happen.

May 30, 2005 18:18

I was wanting to go see Melt Banana tonight at Fat cats but don't have any fucking money to! :( Well hopefully when I get my check it will be pretty big.. :/ sucks that I couldn't go to see Napoleon Dynamite @ Midnight was super long yesterday .. its just now kicking in on how sore my back hurts :/ whats sweet is though Jevae called me during his lunch break :* I love him to just think of me when hes at work <33 I love you :* I might go to my theater and watch Layer Cake...thats if Jevae is up to it..I'll update more when I can. I need a fucking job!!! Please fucking tell me if your job or if you know of a place that is hiring k thx :D
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