Mar 02, 2009 22:08
So, the first REAL snow of the year happened yesterday/last night. Got up to...maybe about 6 inches? Snow drifts more than a foot in places.
Yesterday, I was at my dad's. Listened to iPod, set it on the stool, fell asleep. Woke up, had to leave in about 30 minutes so we wouldn't get stranded at dad's. [definitely didn't want that; I smelled like smoke enough, thanks.] Just outside the town I live in [about 30 minutes away from dad's] I realized that I had left my iPod [a purple nanochromatic named Greg] at my dad's house. Needless to say, I was pretty devastated. I NEED Greg. Music helps my muse. Seriously. I've already been swamped in posts [for board-based RPing], and I haven't gotten anywhere with my gabilliam fic.
We had the day off of school, and the day off tomorrow. Hopefully, we will be able to get out and get my iPod from dad's soon. I don't think I can survive a week without it. Listening to CDs isn't the same. I am seriously dead here, muse-wise. I want to type...but I'm just....dead. Any help? /:
I have about 5 posts to write up. I almost always post more than 1k per post, so it's just hell right now.
For today...I woke up earlier than I wanted to. I wanted to sleep in till about 10 [9:30 at the earliest] call Katie [friend that I've known since 5th grade and recently moved to my neighborhood] and go out to play in the snow. Guess what? That wish didn't happen. Woke up around 7:30 to the sound of my cousins arriving for the day. Opened my laptop, typed a message or two in the c-box in my most frequented RP site, and then got Windows Media Player up, and started to play all the music I had on there. About maybe an hour later, which much drifting in and out of sleep in between, I heard the sound of someone messaging me on meebo. It was my brother, who wanted my mom to get on facebook [because he couldn't call apparently.] That was the end of my attempts to sleep.
Got out to play in the snow around...10-ish? Maybe. I don't know. Got to sled, had a blast, then went inside. Had been planning for some hot chocolate, but mom used all the hot chocolate powder. Great. Played some Rock Band 2 [ got 100% on medium on all the songs I sang ;D~] and then went to Katie's. It was boring. It usually kinda is. We are both quite indecisive, so most of the time we just sit around on our laptops. Not exactly my idea of fun. Sometimes I wish that we didn't live near each other and had stayed friends for just at school. Blah.
A lot of stuff that doesn't matter later, and my brother continually torments me stating that there is no school today or tomorrow [something that he has done since yesterday]. Attempted to hurt him. Not the best idea. I'm here, left with a head ache. I kinda hope he has more. xD il him, though.
So, now, I'm sitting here, bored, museless, tired. If anybody is actually reading this out there, do you want to chat on MSN, AIM, something? Get to know you? Become good friends? I only somewhat know all of you. Know you from LJ entries and comments. That's basically the extent of my knowledge.
I know you probably don't care about me. Some 16 year old chick. How interesting am I? Not very. Messages are loved.
I want Greg; I want my music.
I have two inquiries this time around, one but a repeat of past entries.
Can you think of a good job for William in a modern day New York setting?
Would you be willing to beta?
I don't have any necessities for betas, but it is recommended for me to have a beta, and I would appreciate someone to look over to see if I have made any mistakes. I'm not one to think that I have too many mistakes within my writing, but having a beta would never hurt.
One requirement for beta...someone who can help me with ideas for the fic. Someone who I can talk to that can help me with ideas.
Much love, if you are even reading this