(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 14:11

Well well long long time since I have really posted so this could get long. I am dating again and I am very very very very happy! He is wonderful very different and sometimes a bit odd. Over the past few months I have been doing a lot of soul searching and I mean a lot. I am very blessed and thankful to have the people in my life that I do. It is an incrdeible feeling to know that you have a complete support system to help you get through the rough spots. I ended up with 12 credit hours this semester. I am taking Intro into International relations, Intro to lit, Earth Science, and an honors class called live music Jax. I was also taking a class called cross cultural methods becasue I was interested for a short time in International studies. I am no longer interested I feel like my place in this world is as a public relations chica. Music is a blessing from God and it is a major part of my life. Public relations is the perfect major for me and my crazy personality. Life is good. I am happy about where I am going with it. I feel like even if I dont always have it together I will figure it out eventually. Andrew the message you sent me after one of my last posts was awesome it made me think alot about my life believe it or not. In high school i was always trying to live up to some standard that I thought was necessary to meet. I missed out sometimes on creating deeper relationships with those that I really should have been hanging out with. I realized that even when I feel alone there are people out there that care. Andrew I hope you know as well as all my freinds if you ever need me I am here for you! Thank you to everyone who has helped me get through the hard times over the last few years!
My advice to everyone:
Through a very interesting conversation last night with a freind I realized that there was something I believe in my heart and I think everyone should know:
Life is full of surprises big and small. It is full of good times and bad times. No one can avoid the bad times for they are there for a reason. I believe that everything happens for a reason and everything has its own time. The bad and "hard" (define it as u will) times we have in life are there as trails to teach us something. They are trails to make us realize the good times when they come and to build character. God has a plan and I may not know what that is but I believe strongly that it is there.
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