Oct 16, 2006 21:21
I hate people. I hate people who annoy me! I hate it when you fucking ignore me because its one of those weeks im on your shit list again. well fuck you. Fuck you for all the shit weve been through and we were friends afterwards. Fuck you because I was the only person wwho was like you know what I support how you feel just because I dont agree with it doesnt mean Im gonna be like "Your stupid, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Fuck you for being an asshole, Im busy too my friends ar busy but you know what amazes me they still find time to come hang out or acknowledge that Im still their friend so you know what FUCK YOU. You want it to end this way congradulations have a nice life with chris and when he dumps your ass or dies dont come crying to me cry to amelia who behind your back is probably like what a fucking idiot. I supported you always and she says one thing and all of a sudden im the bad guy well now u can hear it straigh from the horses mouth Im a fucking jackass and Im tired of being your friend and you giving less of shit. So enjoy your life.