what i would give to have strept right now...

Aug 01, 2004 10:51

Its not even remotely funny how crappy i feel right now. I went to the doctor and they tested for strept which unfortunately came out negative. There are only two options left as far as they are concerned. Either (a) i have a realllly bad virus in which case it will clear up in two days or (b) i have mono. Now comes the time when my parents tell me "I told you so". I havent been feeling that great for about a week and a half now and mono was one of the things i was worried about... so much for being a dumbass and abusing my body.

I was told that if i dont get better by tuesday, they are gonna take blood tests. Ide much rather have mono then get blood tests... I have a strange and humongous fear of needles. Ill probably end up going to camp anyways tomorrow and tuesday because i am an idiot like that but hopefully it isnt mono and hopefully my running myself down even more for 4 dollars a day wont make it worse if it is.

I would like to thank George Coleman for making me come to work every day to recieve 4 dollars a day just so i can get the fucking 50 dollar bonus at the end of the summer. I would like to thank George Coleman's fine institution for getting me sick in the first place and then dangling 50 fucking dollars over my head. I would also like to thank George Coleman for giving me pink eye on the last day of camp last year and making me spend more than 2 times my paycheck buying new contacts. Finally, I would like to thank George Coleman for my being home on a sunday listening to my parents argue with a dog.

Yea... other than that, life is peachy.

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