me: ZERO internet: 1
My mission today was to organize my computer. So I figured, hey, start out with something easy - your bookmarks are semi-organized already. Then I realized...oops! Ha. Hahaha. I'd have to go through them and find out what they all were. Hours of surfing the net later, no sorting has been accomplished. *sigh*
How do I remedy this? I create a new Dreamwidth account of course! (Thanks to
seperis for the invite code.)
In the spirit of what I was supposed to have been doing, I have pared down my username from it's previous bulkier
spark_variance incarnation. Welcome to the blog of
variance ! Never let it be said that I'm not good at distracting myself! DW is all...shiny. I must explore, and fiddle endlessly with layouts, and try new features, and...what was I doing again?
Originally posted at
Dreamwidth. Reply here or
there. Comments at Dreamwidth: