I am sort of half-committed to doing NaBloPoMo this month, so I decided to cruise by their site and I discovered this:
The theme for June is HEROES. Everyone has a hero or heroine; the challenge this month is to find THIRTY OF THEM.
That is actually...an awesome idea. Especially now, I really think I need to be reminded of people that inspire me to be a better person.
So, number one is:
Mom. What? Sappy, you say? Well, perhaps. But true nonetheless. She is inspiring in her "everyday-ness". She's not famous, or doing anything that will radically impact society, but if I would be happy to achieve a life as well-lived as hers. Genuinely caring for and respecting others. Volunteering her time for causes she believes in. Eating right, exercising, living well. Still active and willing to try new things even as she ages. Motivated to go out and have fun and connect with others.
If change happens one person at a time, she's a good place to start.
Also, new season of Burn Notice starts tonight! Whee!
(Thank goodness, something with new episodes! It's been a long couple weeks of limbo between TV show seasons. Even I can only watch Supernatual episodes on repeat so many times...err...well...in theory. When I hit the limit, I'll let you know, since it actually hasn't happened yet.)