Title: Chemistry
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG?
A/N: This is set in an AU that
runonmoonlight and I are in the middle of writing, which is basically "SGA in college".
The evening started out as most of their evenings together did -- Ronon's apartment overflowed with college students, revolving around his younger cousin and her friends. John, initially, came to these to keep Ronon company, but more and more he was genuinely enjoying them. The alcohol and "intelligent discourse" flowed freely, and he leaned back to laugh as Rodney found himself alone defending his point against three slightly inebriated young women.
"I have no idea what they're talking about," a familiar voice whispered in his ear, her breath against his skin, and John found himself with a beer in one hand and Elizabeth Weir in the other.
"You haven't had that much to drink, have you?" he teased, more casually than he really felt. This wasn't the first time an evening at Ronon's had found them gravitating together, and he was beginning to think there was a reason she always found her way to his sofa. (And it was his sofa. Just because his apartment didn't have room for it...)
She laughed, settling herself on his thigh and stealing his beer. "Give me a little while -- I'm catching up with Laura."
"That could take you a while." The observation was deadpan, and it made her laugh again, her short, dark curls bouncing as she tilted her head back. He followed the line of her throat down to her collarbone with his eyes and caught sight of Ronon across the room, eyebrow raised. He gave his friend a quelling look and steadied Elizabeth when she almost slipped.
"Your friends are going home."
"See you later, John."
"Yeah. You will."