A/N: Wow, so much angst... what a coincidence... I don't feel good *is sick*
Titles and Links:
We'll get through this |
Somewhere |
Confrontation |
Desertion | |
A Star To Guide Me Prompt: #041 "Comfort", #077 "Bleeding Heart(s)", #087 "Face", #091 "Desert" and #092 "Morning Sun".
Rating: G, G, PG-13, PG and PG.
Genre: Fluff/Angst, Angst, Angst, Angst and... none.
Time Line: "Somewhere" and "Desertion" are set some time after my fantasy S4 and has spoilers. "Confrontation" S2, episode #8 "Conversion". "A Star To Guide Me" is set sometime during the early episodes of S1. And "We'll get through this" could be right in the beginning of S4, but holds no spoilers.
Links will lead you to the comm(
ficlets100) where the table drabble challenge is found.