Title: The Places We Never Saw
Author: ME. Oh Chris4Short
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff? Romance? Angst? Not sure... a mix.
Warning: Implied Character death(s)/Sunday
Summery: The things you talk about when in a panic.
A/N: First, talked to Ani last night - good talking to you! And she reminded - ok poked - me to do more drabbles. Busy schedule be damned! Also this was really suddenly inspired by a conversation I had with my good friend on movies she hasn’t seen. *shakes head*
She shifts and turns around as best as she can. "Fuji."
He blinks, shivers in the cold water. "What?"
"Never been there. Hear it's beautiful."
"Never been to the Safari of Africa. Was planning on a adventure ride someday."
"I wanted to walk the Wall of China."
"I wanted to learn to fly fish. Altantis' waters are not really condusive. According to Beckett."
"I miss him."
"Yeah, me too." John pauses. "Never been to Scotland."
"Oh it's very pretty. Never got to Iceland."
"Think Antarctica."
"You know one place I would visit over and over, no matter what?"