Title: Fondue Kiss
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Prompt: Strawberry
Prompt by:
claraon Fondue Kiss -
Elizabeth chewed on her tongue as she focused on her task, twisting the metal rod beneath the fountain. John watched her carefully, and she knew he was looking, but she carried on. Holding it above the flowing lake, she grinned at John before quickly flicking it into her mouth to avoid spilling the thick chocolate sauce on the floor.
John smirked and handed her another strawberry.
Elizabeth took it gratefully and shoved it on the end of her fondue stick as she heartily chewed on the one still in her mouth.
Her eyes widened for a moment, when his lips came in contact with hers, warm and addictive. He licked his lips as he leant away. “You had a bit of chocolate on your lip.”
She just nodded, staring at him.