Title: Sensory Overload (5 AND 6/6)
Author: Chris4Short
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The beginning is always a sensory overload
A/N: because really, I hate cliffhangers too, I'm gonna just go ahead and finish this for ya. See? Really nice. *beams* However, now I have to go back and write something else. Dang.
Talking. John looked at the woman next to him and watched the way the words formed on her lips. Lips so kissable.
He heard her objections, and nodded, knowing that she was right to have to think. But he felt as if they could protect what had been blossoming.
“There are rules.”
“Meant to be broken.”
“I’m serious.”
“I’ll deal with the consequences.”
“You’re not the only one.”
“I love you, Elizabeth.”
Her lips twitched with the quest for unsaid words, finally settling into a smile.
Turning she studied him. “I know. I love you too, John.”
They stopped talking.
* * * *
The morning light came in and she pulled the thin sheet over her head. A soft chuckle, a freezing moment of panic, and then a soft finger dancing on her sheet clad skin.
“Not a morning person.”
“Not when I have someone else in the bed,” peaking over the sheet.
His eyes danced.
She let their fingers intertwine and dance over their skin.
She examined how his hands fit over hers, how her heart fluttered, the way his lips curved to kiss her, the cool sheets moving over her bare skin and the way his voice floated around.
Sensory overload.