Sep 01, 2008 23:54
For labor day, I worked a 15 hour shift and with a 45 minute unpaid break. I did this because we're understaffed, because i get time and a half for working on a holiday in addition to the holiday pay i get whether or not i work plus another half time for the fact that 6 hours of that was overtime, and because i could use the money. That says something about labor, now, doesn't it.
I've been reading about the prison system. I've been reading about making change. I've been thinking about agriculture. I've been thinking about my career and my future. I just got out of a depressiony-lull and I am enjoying my job again, though I know I need to start taking steps toward what's next.
Most of the people I work with in the "Long Term Recovery" program are schizophrenic. In a separate program, we have a hospital diversion bed. The bed serves a lot of purposes, the expressed of which is to temporarily house people who need it but do not need to be in the hospital. Reasons people actually end up there run the gamut from people who really are sub-hospitalization levels of messed up (recent suicide attempts... waiting for a placement at another facility... etc...) to people who are hospital overflow, and should be there. Most of them are homeless or underhoused, substance abusers, people with lots of personality disorders that should probably be in the hospital but just get passed around and passed off. Right now we have someone in the hospital diversion bed who just had a suicide attempt, is deaf, depressed, has daughters who are at the age where they are embarking on their own lives. It is a really nice break to work with someone with straight depression. So much of it situational, so much of it solvable, just need to keep going, get in the right mindset, find housing, get some social supports in place, and bam. Not to say that depression isn't serious, or that everyone is treatable, or that once she's stable and she finds a place to live that she won't still be depressed or become suicidal again. But even though she wants to kill herself, she really wants to live; she's waiting for the people around her to help her find reason to keep living. It's different from what I normally work with, and it's refreshing. That was going to be one sentence. But there it is.
I ate dim sum yesterday morning and it was delicious. Then I went to a fabric store with a friend and we half-body-lounged on a table of fake furs and talked about how we thought about things when we were kids.
I had a conversation with a coworker tonight about the healing arts. I love learning about what people believe, and thinking about how those thought trends are similar to those of others I've known, and considering a sort of precognitive etiology.
Danny will be here tomorrow night for a couple days on a post-burning-man visit. If that isn't nice... I don't know what is.
Happy labor day.