blackberries for dinner

Aug 19, 2008 02:58

It's midnight in Seattle. I have been awake since 6am, after pulling in at 11pm the night before and only getting 4 hours of sleep. I went to my first day of work at 7am, made some fellow new-grad RN friends, received and tried out my bus pass, made friends and got Mardi running at the local bike shop, ran into my roommate Mike at Trader Joe's, mailed some post cards and an A/C inverter to Boston, and totally rearranged the furniture in the amazing room I now live in.

Also, I discovered a gigantic patch of wild blackberries 2 blocks from my house. That's what I had for dinner.

Tomorrow I'm waking up at 6am to make breakfast and watch the Brazil-Argentina game with my roommate Maika, then I'll zoom off to another day of hospital orientation at 7:30am. After securing some medical and dental insurance, I'm spending my afternoon craigslisting a bit more furniture for my room, then 1614 is having a Beer/BBQ/Olympic gathering.

And I've been here only a hair over 24 hours. Whew.
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