(no subject)

Nov 26, 2007 02:14


It's an Original Character meme. <3 Let's play with some of my creations. =3

1. Choose a few of your own characters.
2. Make them answer the following questions.
3. Then tag three people. (Im not going to )
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!

Series: Exalted
Jaydus Sevren: Cynical, heartless sorcerer. Solar Exalt of the Twilight Caste.
Kiwi: Adorable warrior boy of destiny type. Lunar Exalt of the Full Moon Phase and Spotted Kiwi Totem.
Stran of the Elegant Rust: Clever and manipulative butler and chatelaine. Lunar Exalt of the New Moon Phase and Pepsis Wasp Totem.
Miyabi: Reformed mercenary princess. Solar Exalt of the Dawn Caste.

Series: World of Darkness
Consuela Guadalupe Miranda Greene-Cascabel:(Long, stereotypical name FTW) Straightforward mestizo rich girl turned Vampire enforcer. Of the Ventrue Clan.

(They turned out to be mostly Exalted, lol.)

Boy or girl?

Jaydus: I happen to be a MAN.
Kiwi: Kiwi is a boy! :3
Stran: Male. Right now.
Miyabi: A woman.
Consuela: Girl and loving it.

How old are you?

Jaydus: 20. But I spellcast, and fuck, like I'm far more experienced.
Kiwi: 15!
Stran: 23.
Miyabi: 28. And still a child.
Consuela: 34. Don't look it, right?

What's your height?

Jaydus: 5' 8" The perfect height. It's geomantically sound.
Kiwi: ...ummm... I can't count it on my fingers and toes. D= (5' 5")
Stran: 6' 1"
Miyabi: 5' 9"
Consuela: 5'4" and no making "perfect height" jokes.

Are you a virgin?

Jaydus: ...hahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh... Oh dear gods no... Hah, oh my sides...!
Kiwi: Whassa Virgin? If it doesn't mean "brave warrior" then no? (Ahem, yes, very much so.)
Stran: Mmmm... Not REALLY.
Miyabi: Unfortunately not.
Consuela: ...Yeah. Unless experimental lesbian cunnilingus when I was in high school counts?

Do you have any kids?

Jaydus: No and NEVER. I refuse to sire some squalling brat from any female's loins.
Kiwi: Ummmmmm, I have lots of friends who are kids? And there's Baby but he's not MY baby so I don't think so. How would I be a daddy anyways? I didn't meet the magical flying baby-delivering stryx! =3
Stran: Perhaps, but they'd be wasps... or wasp-mutants... So probably not, but I'm not always certain of what I've done as a wasp with other wasps.
Miyabi: I hope to the gods not.
Consuela: Nope, and can't. Kind of disappointed, but it's not a big deal.

What's your favourite food?

Jaydus: Anything spicy, the hotter the better.
Kiwi: Ummmmm, buffalo? Deers? Stuff on 4 legs that can get hunted! Or nuts and berries, or bugs underground... Lotsa stuff!
Stran: I'm not sure yet. I'm somewhat picky. It would have to be fairly elegant, perhaps something rare? I do appear to have expensive tastes.
Miyabi: Hmmmm... Mama's fresh sweet corn soup. I will have to visit her and father soon, and perhaps request it from her. <3
Consuela: ...AB Negative. Wierd, I know. In life I liked ketchup on everything, which pissed daddy off something fierce. Cook hated it too.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Jaydus: Iced Cream? Is that some sort of alchemically produced food?
Kiwi: ...Wassat? Ice cream...?
Stran: I'm afraid I haven't heard of that particular food. ^^
Miyabi: I haven o idea what that is, so none.
Consuela: AB Negative. What? I love being a Vamp.

Have you killed anyone?

Jaydus: My faded old fraud of a Dragonblooded "mentor" and owner. I Exalted, found out most of his power was mere trickery and killed him for my freedom. And his stuff. I didn't find it as hard as one would think. I will most likely kill again.
Kiwi: Only bad guys! =O
Stran: Ahem... Kill is a strong word... I've neutralized bad influences in the past.
Miyabi: Far, far too many. I'll never be able to make it all up.
Consuela: This week or last? The riffraff pile up like nobody's business.

Do you hate anyone?

Jaydus: Everyone and Anyone who gets in my way. I also hate those who are weak and refuse to reach for power themselves, useless maggots.
Kiwi: Hate? D= I don't like that word. But I guess... Bad guys like bandits?
Stran: I do dislike those who exercise their power unjustly over others.
Miyabi: Wanton killers.
Consuela: Total punks and people who take being undead for granted. Also Mages. They creep me OUT.

Have any secrets?

Jaydus: ...I sometimes feel so lonely I cry myself to sleep. Speak a word on it and I will Summon something to curse you the rest of your life.
Kiwi: I have NO secrets! I say everything I mean and do everything I want! That's the Kiwi way!
Stran: I act composed, but when faced with someone who truly terrifies me it truly is just an act. Sometimes even I can't stop my knees from shaking. Sometimes I have to mask it as desire, which makes things scarier.
Miyabi: No. I never have. I will tell all about myself. Secrets hide weaknesses, I need to revel mine to eliminate them.
Consuela: ...Shit, the aforementioned high-school experimental lesbian cunnilingus WAS my secret. Ummmmm... I sometimes think about beheading the Prince of the city for being an arrogant prick? Don't tell him that, I want my job and my life.

Do you love anyone?

Jaydus: No. ...Maybe? Perhaps I can't love anyone.
Kiwi: I love Fangy and Teratera and Grandpa Gunter andandandand... Lots of people. But MOSTLY Fangy! He's the best!
Stran: *Warm, mysterious smile.* Yes. Yes I do, very much.
Miyabi: Not right now, but I'm sure the right person will come along.
Consuela: ME. I look out for number one. Might be why I'm still a virgin? Meh, whatever.

What is your job?

Jaydus: Sorcerer and doctor. One day I will be Sorcerer Supreme.
Kiwi: Brave and Virtuous Warrior!
Stran: Whatever is needed of me. Contact, butler, secretary, assassin. That sort of thing.
Miyabi: Escort and guard. I believe I have a heftier destiny ahead of me though, it is unavoidable for my kind.
Consuela: Enforcer and Sherriff of the Vampire Court. I pull in money with stock brokering, though.

Any powers or weapons?

Jaydus: I fling bolts of searing solar light, heal and bend Creation to my will. A little. I will become more powerful, and quickly.
Kiwi: *Lifts up a huge silver spear* Beak! We fight together and I glow silver and that makes me win! (Speed and strength enhancing Charms, yo!)
Stran: I can work some illusions and sway people to my way of thinking, I also transform into various creatures, all venomous. My bracer grants me throwing needles tipped with a variety of useful poisons.
Miyabi: I am a master of the sword and practice the meditative Even Blade Style of supernatural martial arts.
Consuela: Heh, I'm a VAMPIRE. I'm super strong, durable and can make people do what I want. Most of the time. I also have my abuelo's cobra-headed sword cane. It's my treasure.

What do you do to relax?

Jaydus: Contemplate complex formulae, read a lot of books and have sex with gullible and muscular young men with large endowments. Feel free to call me a whore, I'll just curse you later.
Kiwi: I, umm, cook! And I guess dance around? And train! And I wish I could read but I can't. D= I really like music, though!
Stran: Not a whole lot... Sometimes I can sit still for hours lost in my own thoughts. I tend to startle people when I come to. I do enjoy sampling various foods and teas, and the newest novels are always welcome in my hands.
Miyabi: I smoke, I find it very calming. I also enjoy long conversations and buying new clothing, one of my rare feminine indulgences.
Consuela: TV and the internet. Wonderful things.

What do you think your life expectancy is?

Jaydus: 1000 years, give or take.
Kiwi: Ummm, I dunno. I don't wanna die... If I get killed in fighting, maybe?
Stran: As long as it takes.
Miyabi: Realistically, not long. Death already lurks around every corner in this world, it's certain to claim me sooner than most.
Consuela: Eternity. <3

What is your opinion of the opposite sex?

Jaydus: FEMALES, feh. Only necessary to prevent population decline, if you ask me. Other than that, I prefer not to interact with them at all, with some highly notable exceptions. Sometimes, sometimes, power transcends gender.
Kiwi: ...Ummm... Girls can be reallyreally pretty. ^//////^ Like princesses! Or barbarians! <3
Stran: A-ha, well... Women are Creation's great mystery. We need each other, but cannot always see eye to eye, though we share the same world and be of the same race, it's almost like a different form of thinking life. Men are easier to deal with, on the whole, but the mystery will forever keep me intrigued, all the same.
Miyabi: Such a brazen question... Men... They can be foolish and stubborn and destructive, but so many have such good hearts. I have seen great evil in men, but have also experienced warmth and kindness and a protective instinct that one does not see in women. How can I define it... It's not that we don't have the protective instinct, not that at all, but... hmmm... I can't put it into words... It's a sort of tangible presence with a man of honor and kindness. I could fall in love with that.
Consuela: Eh? The opposite sex? I don't really think of people as their gender first. All people are generally the same deep down. I can appreciate men in the purely physical way, I guess. I do prefer to feed from them, nice and solid to hold on to.

Now what are you going to do?

Jaydus: Continue my quest for power and perhaps offer myself to yet another young man or 3.
Kiwi: Get back to my friends. =3
Stran: Move on to the next corrupt government and improve it in my own small ways.
Miyabi: Wield my sword in the defense of others.
Consuela: *SIGH* Probably beat someone up again. But they always deserve it, dicks.

AND I TAG: Pixxers and Sharpie AND star_maiden12 And whoever wants to do it. That was fun. <3 Tags are by no means compulsory, naturally. I know folks are busy as hell nowadays.
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