Typical Questions on YA

Dec 22, 2008 09:20

I do respond to a lot of questions on YA.  Some, however, I don't waste time on. 
The Lord warned us that we would see a lot of persecution and experience a lot of hatred as the end approaches.  I thought I would pause here to put in a few questions that I have seen lately just to give you a taste of what kind of people I do this cyber-spiritual warefare with.

Apathetic Aborigine asked: 
If you're a guy, and love jesus, does that make you gay for jesus?

Tophat asked:
If Jesus was Mary's son as well as her father: doesn't that mean Jesus had sex with his own mother, Which is considered insect as well as pedophilia?

Secular-humanist asked:
Are all people born as atheists and then get brainwashed into a religion?

Karissa asked this question. 
It was clear from the answer she chose as best that she was only interested in an answer that supported her beliefs, and not one that actually answered her question.....

Why do christians insist on condemning non-christians and homosexuals, and attempt to convert others?
Netenya answered:
In my opinion Christians are so brain washed by their religious beliefs they are on a mission to preach the good news of salvation and they are trying to convert everyone to their faith and beliefs.

Those that do not fall for this false man made religion of theirs are doomed to be condemned by them.

Christians just refuse to believe that there are many paths to God, not just one path, "their path".
Karissa chose that as the best answer.

NONAME asked:
Would u consider Eve a whoe to have sex with multiple partners - Adam,Serpent,Cain?

aeiou_11375 asked:
Does believing in a magic man up in the sky mean you have to be comfortably numb?

Adrren L asked:
Would you worship Jesus if he was gay?

Zoe Dot asked :
Some religions think gays are sinners. Does that include lesbians too?
Since the Bible only mentions men sleeping with men, does that mean lesbians are off the hook? I mean there is nothing that says "women shouldn't lie with womenkind". I guess that means these evangelical fundamentalist Christians have nothing against us dyke"s. Am I wrong?

I don't have the time to answer all these, but I do try to respond to some of them if only to make sure that they don't go unchallenged.

For example this question:

Nymphodora asked:
If someone committed murder, genocide, torment, infanticide, etc. are they evil, Because God did all of this, does tha tmake him evil?

I responded by challenging her to provide references and examples of these acts.  She never responded.


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