Rough night

Feb 03, 2008 10:01

It doesn't happen to me very often, but last night was one of those occasions when I just couldn't get to sleep.  My body was relaxed, but my mind was running at full speed.
Around 10pm, I decided to rest and relax a bit by playing a computer game.  It is a good game for mind numbing mayhem, and before I knew it it was 2:45am. 
I tried to go to sleep, but kept tossing and turning.  I'm afraid I was waking Jan up and thought about just getting up and watching TV or reading, but by that time I had Comet and Pinky snuggled up to me and didn't want to disturb them either.
Finally I dozed off, but it was a shallow sleep.  As a result, I didn't get in to church this morning.  I'll make it to the evening service, though.


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