Jun 11, 2004 23:57
Yeah, it's been awhile. And yes, I say that every time I actually post. I apologize.
This entire week I've been terribly nostalgic. I really don't know how or why or what's going to come of it, but whatever. Suffice it to say, it's been one hell of a week.
I just got done reading old emails from my GWU account that I apparently either decided to save or forgot to delete or whatever. Either way I'm very glad I still had them. It was really weird, like they were old emails before I even thought about coming to Scranton, I was working for my dad in the city, and my life was just completely upside down. Not that it isn't now. But still.
These emails ranged from correspondence from old ex-girlfriends at the time, to more recent ex-girlfriends at that time, to girls that would eventually become ex-girlfriends. Actually, it was rather sobering. Here I was reading words that were written years ago, trying to recall just exactly how I felt at that exact moment in time. Believe me, it's not something I recommend. Well, maybe that's a lie. In truth, it's rather cathartic. Also, it led me to get back in touch with someone who I shouldnt've lost touch with in the first place. But alas, that's another post.
I love how I categorize my life by who I was either with or getting over. Are those really the most important events in my life that I need to remember other things based solely on who I was either dating or hating at that very moment? Is that pathetic? I mean, what does that say about me? Maybe I don't want to answer that one.
Anyways, I'm out. I can only handle so much sap for one night.
Maybe I'll continue this later.