May 06, 2004 22:45
So, it's been awhile since my last post. (Ok, so, don't you hate people who say shit like that? Yeah, I do too)
Final weekend of "Moon Over Get-over-yourself" went...well, it went. Friday mat was fun with the median age of the audience upwards of 65. Friday nite we got to see Dale act most of the second half of the show with his hand spurting blood. Saturday was our best show and best audience hands down. And Sunday I actually teared up during the curtain call/standing ovation. Fun fun fun til Daddy took the proverbial T-bird away.
Some things in life are good. And other things are amazing. Rita's Water Ice on a sunny day in Scranton? That's one of those great things.
Auditioned for the first mainstage production of the next season. It's a 2 person comedy. That's it. 2 males. I dunno if I want to be in it or not. Haven't decided yet.
Watched "Requiem for a Dream" 2 days ago with Suzanne. Quite possibly one of the most moving movies (no pun intended) I have ever seen. I've seen the movie like 4 or 5 times before that, but something just clicked this time. Both of us were next to bawling by the end. Definitely some of the best acting I've ever seen. Note to self: Don't get addicted to heroin.
I'm kinda looking foward to my entire summer in Scrantonia. Although we move into the new apt in like 2 weeks and I have yet to procure any furniture. I'm now taking bets on how long I'll be sleeping on an air mattress and living out of garbage bags? Do I hear 2 weeks? 3 weeks? 2 and half monthes?
Want to know another one of those really great things? Screened in porches, champagne (among other things) and great friends. Yeah.
My whole "listen to as much new music as possible" thing has been on hold for a few weeks. I just keep coming back to these 4 or 5 songs that I just listen to over and over and over again. I should also mention that I have also been obsessed with this mix I made and the first half of the Damien Rice CD. Don't ask why. I just am.
And it's 40oz to freedom....