I am living Atlas Shrugged.

Jan 12, 2009 19:50

Happy belated new year. I've been meaning to sit down and post a year-in round up as usual, but haven't really had the time or the motive to do so. When I do I will change the date to January first to keep it in line with the others.

But yeah. I'm living Atlas Shrugged. It's kind of scary. Backtracking: I started reading Atlas Shrugged in November or so of last year, having thoroughly enjoyed The Fountainhead which I had read many years before. This was after I think the news came out of the economy taking a giant steaming shit, but not because that had happened. I finished it early this year (2009) and, like The Fountainhead, thoroughly enjoyed it as well, although I did skip a few extremely long-winded speeches (*cough* John Galt *cough) that basically re-re-re-re-rehashed points that had been made previously in the novel. We get it. The mind, achievement independance, money, etc is awesome. Collectivism, mooching, and looting isn't.

Despite that, I enjoyed it. But sometime after I finished, I started paying attention to what was being said on the radio on my daily drives into work with my father during this bullshit strike, and I realized how much what is happening in the world happened in Atlas Shrugged. Bailouts, donations, and all that kind of stuff. Thankfully, no major leaders or innovators have starting disappearing... yet.

It's pretty scary hearing the types of things they say on the news, how the economy is the worst since the 40s, unemployment increaed to 3 million some... scary scary shit.

Random news... parents got a new cat. She's pretty crazy. Bought used Quest 64, which just crashed on me while in a super long dungeon. And other boring stuff.

One way ticket to Galt's Gulch, please.
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