I want to work with special effects badly!
I have no good tools at home though...some cheap haloween makeup called "creepy skin". (It's creepy alright, and weird and impossible to handle in a good way!)
I also used black eyeliner...
And some old powder from loreal.
Oh and fake blood...lots of it!
This is just practice for me...using the shittiest tool ever, but I'm trying to do my best with what I have. I can do alot better, but since I have limited tools, I also get a limited result.
Here's some pictures of what I've done this evening:
It looks wicked when you play around in photoshop!
My boyfriend with a nice wound? Or well...not nice...just wound...
As you can see, it's not smooth anywhere, but that's becuase the fake skin has some kind of woolen strings trough it, (in order to give it a human like texture). However that leads to a big issue. Making it blend with skin is...well, impossible. But hey!, what do you expect from 3$ worth of haloween products??
Any feedback is welcome, I'm planning on making this scared mouth on both sides of the face for my haloween outfit.