stupid period and GotR

May 24, 2003 09:25

Well, my operation got postponed due to my period. They use so much bloodthinner, they didn't want to start with me already bleeding. Unfortunately, they decided when I was on the table, just about to start the procedure. I had the IV and foley catheter (for the bladder) in and everything! I had even called them the day before to tell them, but I guess word did not get to the doctor. So, now I'm going in on the 29th of May. At least I had a dry run,

I saw Ghost of the Robot in San Francisco Thursday. I remember the kerfuffle about James and GotR a while ago, but I don't think James was posing, nor did I think they sucked. James seemed genuinely excited to be in the band and singing. He didn't give those wicked looks, but he did give real smiles. He did the thing with his hands (sort of framing his package), but you know, I think that's a habit more than saying "here's my crotch!" I know, I'm defending him, but I love him so. As for the rest of the band, Charlie was dressed in 70's tennis gear a la Bjorn Borg, complete with wristbands and headband. I don't know, he always seems so arrogant to me, but he was oddly sweet Thursday. Steve looked great with a haircut and a (newly?) buff body. Kevin was cute, and Aaron, oh Aaron. If I were a teenager, he would be my favorite (because James is...40 eewww). Actually, Aaron looks like a young James. The hair, the mouth, the smile. They played a new song, "Katie" written, presumably by James, because, at the end, he said "I found out why Katie didn't go out with me. She's gay." and he nodded like "true story."

The crowd was kind of annoying. Caille, you will be glad you didn't go. I was surrounded by these drunk girls, who had push their way to the front, and who were yelling things at James like "You have a small cock!" At first I was shusshing them, laughingly, not like the Church Lady, but then I stopped, and just cringed whenever they said anything. This big oaf (guy) was jumping around behind me, bumping into me trying to push to the front, and I kept elbowing him in the...stomache, and telling him to back off. There was no way I was going to let a 6', 220lb guy jump around in front of me. I heard him say something to a girl about getting up on the stage and singing with the band, but they didn't try. There's no way James' security would have let them. Why are people such jerks? When James played his guitar and sang, the drunk girls were making fun of him, and we were all right at the front so I'm sure he heard them, but it didn't distract him. Or, at least, it didn't look like it did.

After the concert, I looked for Aaron's dad who I met in Sacramento. He's the sweetest guy, and so proud of his son! He wasn't there, but I saw Linda Judd, and this same tall redhead I always see at James events--the Sacramento concert, the Chance screening, again in Sacramento. What a groupie! Ha ha.

When I figure out how to do cut tags, I will cut for length. I'm only friended by three people, but still...
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