*Payment Methods Now Accepted: PAYPAL ONLY!!! (needing money super fast!)
*We no longer put items on hold at this time because of the simple fact that we need money now, we don't have time to wait or I would totally be willing&I am understanding that sometimes you have to wait to get your money to get what you want&we will go back to putting items on hold again once we are doing better with our money situation, I apologize&hope you all understand that I'd rather not have to do this.
*If after 24 hours (unless we've made another arrangement) I haven't received your payment, nor an email or something explaining why you failed to send it, YOU WILL be put on the blacklist (which means I will have no more business with you in the future, & I'd really rather not do this to anyone & haven't had to so far). So let's keep it that way please.
*Prices do NOT include shipping, it's to be determined after you tell me everything you want, & of course after I have your location&weigh your package, I have my own scale to make sure shipping prices are accurate.
*Will ship to USA only, for now, sorry for any inconvenience.
*Comments are deleted after a transaction is complete, too much clutter if not.
*Delivery confirmation is put on all packages&you will be notified via email when I get your tracking number. Delivery confirmation is included in the shipping price you are told. & it's worth it, it helps us all feel better about the transaction.
*There is only ONE free gift per order/package(you can pick an item that says free under it instead of a price), or I would run out of free gifts. Of course the next time you order from me, whether it's a few days, a week, a month, months, or a year from now, you are welcome to another free gift, always! HOWEVER, I do sometimes make exceptions for "special" orders, you may get a free give-away bag with lots of extra goodies, just depends on what you get & how much!
& I strive to make every package & order the best & most exciting as I can. So I hope that when you get your package in you get excited like I do when I receive a new item in the mail!
So hurry up & shop til' you fuckin' drop!!! Please & spank you, witha cherry & some rainbow colored sprinkles all over the creamy sweetass top! ^_^
Thanks for reading this, it makes everything easier on everybody if you know how shit is dealt with before you contact me about anything.