I got my algebra II SOL score back today.
fucking 543. ohh what now bitch. haha. (600 is a perfect score.)
I definitely got passed advanced and when I went to go get my score my teacher goes "that can't be right. you couldn't have got that." and I said umm why not? and she goes "you sit in the back the whole year and get bad grades, well not bad, but not good, and then you do so well on the SOL." and I said yeah well I don't understand a single one of your tests. she gave me a blank stare and then I walked out.
BITCH. obviously if I get a ONE on a test, and I don't pass a SINGLE test all year, and then I get a 543 on my SOL...hmm something's wrong there.
your tests suck, get over it. :]
I took my biology SOL today. oh goodness it was hard. anddd I have my history one tomorrow and then I am DONE. and if I pass all those the only exam I have to take is english because I'm exempt from all my other ones. :]
well, I'm not sure what I have in english but I think I have a B so that sucks cause I need an A to be exempt. oh well.
JUNE 13. my last day of school.
PS I had an anger problem in gym this morning. we were playing softball and everyone was pissing me off anddd this kid made fun of me and I took the bat and walked over to him and slammed it against the fence. and he was on the other side of it. bahahah.
my gym teacher goes "uhhh you might wanna MOVE." to the kid.
I worked out today. awesome. I'm going to feel like jello tomorrow.
but now me, my mom, and my mom's friend have made a promise to work out everyday at the YMCA and we're gonna do aerobics and water aerobics and 'body sculpting' everyday. bahah. tomorrow's body sculpting.
okk the end I think I'm gonna go to bed but first you can look at this hot shit.
oh goodness.