All I Need's A Little Time...

May 17, 2004 23:30

Choose a band or artist and answer only in the titles of songs written by them: AIR

Describe yourself: Lucky and Unhappy
How do some people feel about you: The Vagabond
How do you feel about yourself: Sexy Boy
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Highschool Lover / Cherry Blossom Girl
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend (had I a current girlfriend): Venus / New Star in the Sky
Describe where you are: Californie
Describe where you want to be: Alone in Kyoto / Surfing on a Rocket
Describe what you want to be: Universal Traveler
Describe how you live: Dirty Trip / Another Day
Describe how you love: Casanova 70 / Playground Love
Share a few words of wisdom: Kelly Watch the Stars / Don't Be Light / Run / Remember

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