Nov 21, 2004 17:27

The harder you push -

- The farther I run

Now for all you "Jesus Freaks" out there, I'm sorry if I offend you in any way. However, my mother might want to trade me in for you. Because obviously I just don't measure up to her expectations of being the Bible hugging, crucifix wearing, "honk if you love Jesus" type of girl. I've tried on that outfit and frankly it just doesn't fit anymore.

Without going into too much detail (because I am so worn out right now) I will attempt to explain the situation.

I don't want to go to mass. "Why?" you ask? Because my mother is forcing me. We have had this conversation many, many, many times. She says that I have to go to mass because it is a requirement. I think that is absolutely ludacris. It is far better that someone chooses to willlingly go to mass so that they get something out of it than to force someone to go so that they resent the entire religion. I've told her that if I had the free will to choose that I would go to mass the majority of the time. However, she still FORCES me to go.

The harder you push -

- The farther I run

And I swear that I will run as far away as possible if it meant getting away from these self-proclaimed second-comings of Christ. Sorry but you all are just as big a hypocrite as I am. And excuse me for being cynical and pessimistic but none of us have any "obligation" or "requirement" to even look at a crucifix, let along recieve the Body of Christ seeing as how we are mere dirt compared to Jesus. I feel like I shouldn't even step inside a church. I almost half-expect God to strike me down right then and there if I do.

But it doesn't matter. I have to go. So I will. But as I sit in that pew I will think of every single place that I rather be than inside a church. That should take me more than one lousy hour.

The harder you push -

- The farther I run

Some people just don't get it yet.

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