in light of thanksgiving

Nov 29, 2002 18:11

I felt that in light of thanksgiving it's time to give, well thanks. It's been awhile since I really wrote about all my friends. This is not about the length of the shout out, but rather the content. And, since I've had an immense amount of difficulty with my friends, I felt like I needed to thank those who stood out.

Meg: First, and foremost, the person I feel understands me better than anyone else. We have been friends since the beginning of Freshmen year, from JC-giggletits, to jelly, to our mullets, we've shared our ups and downs. Thank you Meg for letting me be crazy, letting me be myself, and being one of my greatest friends. I don't know if words can HONESTLY explain what you mean to me. You know me SO very well, and you still love me...that's a lot.
Elaina: We've been through, NOTHING. It's the greatest thing in the world to have a bestfriend you have never fought with. You've also, like Meg, been there for me since Freshmen year. Who would have known that walking into Freshmen English with Mrs. Parks, I'd walk out with my bestfriend! I think you know how much you mean to me, and if you don't..READ THIS A FEW TIMES. You are tru;y a gift to me, and I love you tons.
Terra: One does not do a shout out list, without your name upon it. Though we have just gotten close, your CONSTANT love, support, and UNDERSTANDING have gotten me through some of my worst times. I just want to thank you so much for your love, and for being so damn cool. You rock my f-in socks, don't ever forget that.
AAAALLLLLLIII and my MIS :): I'm not TOO excited to write about you guys or anything. LOL, BUT SERIOUSLY..when I was really down, and not sure who my friends were, you girls( and the group, of course) came to my rescue by making me feel loved and involved. Without you guys on St. Francis day, it wouldn't have given me the courage to let go of "negative" relationships. Thanks for being insane alongside of me, and making me laugh (even at the expense of my life...I'll have to handle that choking problem. I love you...and if you EVER find bobby fisher, let me know.
Now to the quick shouts, cuz MY HANDS hurt from typing:Katia,Lu, Katie, Maggie, Sarah, MELISSA, Becca, Elisa, Aloralyn,Kellie,Tiff,Syd, Rach, Aub, Antonette, Jeana and many more!

Thanks you guys!
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