Wed, 15:12: RT @ TheBloggess: There's a label on it that says "NOT FOR JENNY. THE CATS DON'T NEED TO BE LABELED." Like I'd do that twice, Victor. https…
Wed, 16:29: If the people who voted for you could have only seen what a vicious and inaccurate representation of the US you are…
Wed, 16:44: RT @ ajplus: Black women are gathering behind other #BlackWomenAtWork to share the struggles and prejudices they face in the office. https:/…
Wed, 16:44: RT @ kumailn: 1. Russian collusion investigation halting. 2. Climate change guidelines demolished. 3. Personal internet data for sale. Pick…
Wed, 16:58: RT @ RepAdamSchiff: Sally Yates is willing to testify, WH says they want her to testify, public wants to hear from her, Brennan and Clapper.…
Wed, 17:07: RT @ MarkRuffalo: .@ DevinNunes you are Trump's puppet. You are compromised. Get out of the way of this investigation and let Truth lead. #T…
Wed, 17:29: If it's not obvious yet, today will be a medley of my usual political fare sprinkled with squeeing fangirl tweets about the #BuffyReunion .
Wed, 18:01: RT @ PoliticalLine: Gallup Nixon Watergate Hearings - 36% W Bush post Katrina - 40% Iran Contra Reagan - 46% Ford pardons Nixon - 50% Trum…
Wed, 18:09: RT @ ActualEPAFacts: .@ DabneyPorte Taxpayer money is NOT USED FOR ABORTIONS. PP (like every other doctor and clinic) is reimbursed for servi…
Wed, 18:34: RT @ SenWarren: I #StandWithPP because millions of women in MA & across this country depend on Planned Parenthood for basic medical care. #P…
Wed, 19:51: RT @ SethAbramson: RETWEET if you agree Devin Nunes must resign from the House Intelligence Committee due to his repeated collusion with the…
Wed, 19:58: RT @ wilw: To the world, on behalf of my fellow members of the Super Fun Anxiety Club, this is what we live with:
Wed, 19:58: RT @ wilw: It's all so objectively irrational, and we know that, which makes it that much worse. Believe me, we're doing our best.