Mon, 22:14: RT @ ericgarland: Again - let's get it straight how insane this is: The FBI is doing a *COUNTERINTELLIGENCE* INVESTIGATION AGAINST A SITTING…
Mon, 22:14: RT @ pattymo: Congrats to "LOCK HER UP" Crew on its upcoming pivot to "Just Because There's An Investigation Doesn't Mean There Was Any Wron…
Mon, 22:14: RT @ USARedOrchestra: The Senate battle over Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch begins tomorrow. The top 10 reasons Ds should not vote for G…
Mon, 22:19: RT @ wilw: Nunes is more concerned with protecting Trump than he is with protecting the soverignity of America, & integrity of our elections…
Tue, 01:07: I come from a family of educators who worked in the public school system. I despise Betsy DeVos. Drain the swamp? S…
Tue, 01:18: RT @ BenjySarlin: So we're up to Trump's word versus: -FBI -DOJ -House GOP and D intel leaders -Senate GOP and D intel leaders -British in…
Tue, 01:18: RT @ jonfavs: The FBI is investigating whether the President's campaign colluded with a foreign adversary to help him win the election. Se…
Tue, 01:18: RT @ Kasparov63: The house is on fire, Trump is running around with a box of matches, and the GOP demands to know who called the fire depart…
Tue, 01:19: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Donald, the FBI may have helped you win the presidency, but it sure isn't helping you keep it. #RussiaGate
Tue, 01:19: RT @ ananavarro: When compared to colluding with Russians to win an election & compromise democracy, perjury re having sex w/an intern, seem…
Tue, 02:29: RT @ ananavarro: Spicer is anything but the picture of confidence right now. Nervous. Defensive. Irritable. Jumpy. Stuttering. WH not puttin…
Tue, 02:29: RT @ Evan_McMullin: Moscow carried out an attack on our democracy and House Republicans are focused on leaks. This is why they can't be trus…