Tue, 15:05: RT @ TheGoodGodAbove: ObamaCare = 20 million gain healthcare TrumpCare = 24 million lose healthcare Trump finally has something bigger th…
Tue, 15:05: RT @ HumaneSociety: Don't let your dog stay outside when the temperature drops. Your dog's thick fur isn't always enough to keep warm in the…
Tue, 15:12: RT @ kurteichenwald: Now White House says wiretap claims werent meant to be taken literally? Yet they called for a congressional investigati…
Tue, 15:12: RT @ IndivisibleTeam: This is life or death. The repeal of ACA would likely cause between 24,000 and 44,000 extra deaths annually. https://…
Wed, 03:28: RT @ feliciaday: People asking me to tweet less politics and more geek stuff: Hard to share how pretty the drapes are when the house is on f…
Wed, 03:28: RT @ DeathStarPR: IF by some chance Trump's tax returns reveal payments to "Death Star Constructions", we preemptively categorically deny th…