Sun, 22:03: RT @ mishacollins: The most dangerous thing right now is that we have a leader with total disdain for the Truth. We must keep circling back…
Sun, 22:06: RT @ JasonKander: This White House does not inform the nation. It deliberately misinforms. One big misinformation campaign. Only 1 word for…
Sun, 22:06: RT @ jackcatfish: What's amazing to me is that Trump can't rally his base without demonizing Obama. Baseless finger pointing. Who's running…
Sun, 22:08: RT @ jameshaning: Donald #Trump is a stupid man's idea of a smart man, a poor man's idea of a rich man, and a weak man's idea of a strong ma…
Sun, 22:11: RT @ teenagesleuth: Close your eyes and imagine what happens when an Obama Aide calls someone a "stupid, stupid bitch" or a "fucking ass swi…
Sun, 22:12: RT @ jonfavs: People, those Trump tweets weren't an attempt to distract from the Russia story - those tweets ARE the Russia story.