A Big ol' Chunk o' Love Muscle

Apr 01, 2006 23:33

Hey guys! Canada is so sexing! I mean, really sexing! Lol! In nazi bulgaria, we couldn't say words like sex and wiener!
I really love it here!
Bell High school is the sexy! I mean, all the students are really supportive, except for some stupid goys who can't even remember who I am!
I haven't gotten to know everyone at bell yet, but watch out! I'm coming for you! Guys ;) Girls? ;)
Yesterday I rented a movie about jews because I really like jews. It was called Life is Beautiful, and it made me want to be a jew so badly! Mazel Tov!
But I see the nazis, the everyday nazis that lurk. You know what I mean there's hate and I still feel it. The nazis from bulgaria won't stop sending my family emails telling them that they will have diseases and die if they do not return to bulgaria. Stupid nazis and their propaganda. They sent us a letter today and it had a rusty nail in it!
Do you like bicycles?
Anyways, I really love bell high school! Back in bulgaria, we had a word "blinslepcht" which meant "good friends". Well I think that you are all my good friends! Thank you!
Do you know what happened to me today? I was totally checking out this HOOOOT chunk o’ love muscle, and she came right up to me, and was like, hey girl, stop staring. Well, I know she said stop, but i could definitely tell that she likes me. I could see her eyes smoldering with fires of love. She wants me.
Ok, so, lj is like, the place to say this. Megan is such a bitch. i was being all friendly, like, trying to be her friend, and she was like, girl, i'm not a lesbian! And then she just walked away. Like, without even trying it? She just.....reminded me so much of nazi bulgaria. Like, just because I appreciate the same AND opposite sex, doesn't mean I'm some kind of weirdo. And in the land of freedom, shouldn't people be willing to try new things? So megan, if you are reading this, I forgive you, and you can come over anytime.
Ok guys, I have to get this off my chest. You know how I've been away for a long time? Well, I was on an adventure. You see, I got captured by the nazis. They found me because I sent them taunting emails, figuriing they had no power here. Not so. I was bound and gagged, but once I got a little pleasure from kicking a guy in the *privates* when he tried to smack me. I showed him.
So, I woke up in an interrogation room. And I was like, so depressed. I mean, the nazis came back! I thought I was free. BUt they didn't get my parents, only me. So I was alone. Alone, with no hope of anyone saving me. So I had a plan. As you all know, I'm a very attractive woman. Well, I used that to my advantage. I made like, such a huge show of resisting, and then finally I "gave in" to them, and told my interrogators that I wanted to "apologize" properly for my behaviour before. Well, he was soo excited he made one tiny mistake. And I took advantage of it. So, roaming throught the nazi fortress alone, I decided to steal the experimental plane I saw. It was like, only a hovercraft. But it was sooo fun. I went all the way to Germany, but the one engine caught fire, and I had to use my ninja skills(or my *privates* kicking skills) and climb aboard a big airship. The only problem is, there wasn't an airship. They all got shot down! Like, I said to myself  "Lisa(lol, i call my self lisa. It's such a cool name), Lisa, we need a plan!". And then it came to me. I travelled by cover of darkness in a gypsy caravan, until we came to budapest. Then i was like, almost home!
Oh man, you guys should see the eifel tower! Except, try to stay inside it. Climbing the outside using suction cups on your feet is like, not something that should ever be done.
So, like, long story kinda short, once I reached iceland I was practically home free. I took a ride on a penguin fishing boat(which was like, totally disgusting). They were like, sooooo not fishing penguins!!!
Once I got home, I called the CAOIOINOOCEAATUS(Canadian Agency Of International Order In Nations Outside Of Canada Excluding Australia And The United States), or the Ciao for short. They were like, ok, we shot the nazis. But I think they lied. O well,at least i'm like, home and safe, right? Even if I'm now protected by the military, I'm still normal, eh?
And you know what? Soldiers are like, SEXXXXXXXY!!!!
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