Spain update

Oct 15, 2007 22:17

So, giving in to peer pressure again, and realizing I posted about 10 times total last year, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with posts. Today was a pretty OK day at school. Tonight we all went in to Sevilla and bought bus tickets to go to Cordoba on Friday. On Oct. 26-Nov. 3 I will be traveling all around Italia. Nov. 22-24 I will be in London, and Nov. 29-Dec. 2 I will be in Paris. Hopefully I also make it to Madrid sometime, and hopefully back to Barcelona one more time. I'm trying to get in all the European traveling I can while I'm here.

Last night was an interesting night with my host family. Fina, my host mom, went to the Ferria de Naciones (a food festival downtown) and left me here with Pap all day (her 92 year old dad). We hung out and I left for part of the day and went to Ashley's house. Fina cooked food before she left, but he hadn't eaten any, and asked if I was hungry, and I said no. So he said he wasn't going to eat any of the food, so I assumed it was for dinner. Fina came home and flipped about how we didn't eat and I explained that I thought the food was for dinner. Then this morning she told me how she should have told me about the food and that her dad makes her mad all the time haha. She said he acts worse than her 8 year old grandchildren (I beg to differ; Those kids are hellians). She told me how the guy she went with yesterday was her ex husband that she's still friends with, and her dad hates him and doesn't want him around. It was pretty entertaining to get the inside scoop on the family drama.

Spain has been pretty cool so far. My Spanish is definitely improving, and I'm having fun just being a tourist and hanging out. Although I got HUSSLED by GYPSIES the other day. We came out of the tourism office in Sevilla with maps, trying to find Nervion (the region of the city where FC Sevilla's stadium is). This lady gives me a rosemary twig or something, and I just took it and went to keep walking, and she grabs my hand and proceeds to read my palm (total bullshit). Then afterwards she's like "ahora...pagalo...paper money" and then goes "veinte...veinte euros" and I said "que? veinte? es muy caro no? es MUY caro, no?" and she was like "no no, todo el mundo pagalo" so I eventially had to pay this vagabond 20 euros (about 30 US dollars) to leave me the hell alone. I was so angry that I got swindled, but I was so caught off guard and didn't know what they would do if I tried to walk away without paying. My tentative plan is to go back near the office with Fritz (my JC friend who also got swindled out of 10 euros) and find these women. I'm basically just going to yell and call them thieves. It should be cool, and I def. will never let something like that happen again. I must give those gypsies credit, though...they move fast and I had no idea what was going on, and then I owed them 20 euros...I felt dirty afterwards haha. The good part of that story is that we eventually got to the Sevilla stadium and I bought a sweet Sevilla jersey. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it.

Also, I spent about an hour today just reading old livejournal posts in my archive. I was pretty bored, but it's definitely an interesting experience. Especially for me, seeing how much things have changed (some for the better, some for the worst), but nonetheless, it was interesting. Hopefully everyone is doing well in the US (AKA Morris, since you're the only person left who reads this).

Later Days!
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