Apr 07, 2007 12:08
Well I'm back again from a 2 month-long hiatus. It's Easter break and I'm currently just hanging out at my house and relaxing. I guess a lot has been going on as of late, but way too much to even begin to discuss.
First and foremost, I'm sure everyone knows that Megan and I broke up. It's been pretty rough, but I'm not on livejournal to bash her or ramble on for 60 paragraphs about everything. All I'm gonna say is that it's been rough and it's something she felt needed to be done. I still have all the love in the world for her, and if you came to see hurtful, angry remarks towards her, you're out of luck. But that's enough of that...
School has been pretty busy as of late. There are lots of projects and papers all coming right around the same time, so it's definitely not a lot of fun. On the other hand, school has been pretty interesting lately, and I'm having a lot of fun just relaxing with my friends and trying to stay sane. Summer can't get here soon enough, and I can't wait to be back for one last summer at the Paper Mill. It's gonna be another fun one. It's such a fun place to work, and I love all the people I get to talk to on a daily basis.
More to come later?