Jul 14, 2008 19:21
I'm a bit upset as Rice's Dad passed away this morning. It's confusing and upsetting. Confusing because I never saw him again after I split up with Rice and it's always tricky when you create relationships with people as part of your actual relationship and difficult to know what is acceptable to be aware of after, because the association is no longer there. I miss Rice and his family despite how it looks, in the sense of not having seen Rice in person since we split up. But I do still care, I always will. You can't just forget 3 years of your life with someone. I'm still transitioning at the moment where I'm beginning to get more comfortable with myself as a person but that doesn't mean I thought the whole time together was bad, I just knew it was time to move on. I got on really well with Bill and it was difficult to watch him progressively detioriate - he had Motor Neurone disease, which gradually stops all of your muscular functions, you essentially waste away but your mind is still all there but your body doesn't function. It's a horrible way to go, what happens to most is that sufferers usually contract pneumonia as their body is so weak and that's what happened to Bill. He was a really good man who didn't deserve to go this way.