A Small Update...

Apr 27, 2008 08:30

Work Update: My SAP GUI Patch 25 Rollout Project has finally wrapped, and Monday, I am instructed to show up at 8AM to begin more training on how to join the rest of the team in taking joyous calls. We know how to use the ticketing system, but, we've only opened tickets on 1-2 issues, and not the myriad of issues that the rest of the team gets calls about. There are call scripts on just about every single issue, it's just a question of familiarizing ourselves with these scripts, and using them correctly, correct documentation...etc.
I am glad they think fondly enough of us to keep us around, it's just Tye and myself.Will has moved back to San Antonio to be with his son. Now what we will be doing, and it what capacity, I'm not really sure yet....I'm just PRAYING for a day shift after training. This night shift stuff is just not good for my mental state, my energy, my sleep, my mood....etc. *praying, praying, praying* Bad BAD 2AM-10AM!!!

Gary got a new job...the pay is a little more, and it's only about 35 hours a week. The drive is a little further than he would like, I know, but it's INCOME....MONEY...GIVE US MORE MONEY, Damnit!!! I have not gone shopping for myself in....like 3 months, I think. Clothes & Shoe shopping? HAH! That has been COMPLETELY out of the question. I haven't been able to treat myself like I would like because we're just too damned poor. It sucks. I'm not accumstomed to it, and I don't like it...but...now I know how the majority of the rest of the world feels, on some level...and I can sympathize now. I'm penny pinching to death.
Other than this....nothing exciting....just life, and the daily mundanity of it all.
We MIGHT drive to Hot Springs soon on some weekend, but I'm not sure when yet.

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