I’m a cold-hearted B***H...

Apr 12, 2008 15:08

Once again, I've gone too far, said too much, and lost what could have been a really close friend because of my big fat mouth. What I said was completely misunderstood and taken the wrong way as an an insult or attack, when that is NOT at all what my intentions were. But, apparently, it's too late. I can't go back and unsay what I've said. I don't know if I can redeem myself this time. But such is my life. Out of genuine care and concern for someone, I say the wrong things, and they NEVER speak to me again, and it's usually because I hit the nail square on the head, or relatively close to it. Did I really need to come out and say all the things that I did? Probably not, but, when I try to get to know someone, I ask lots of questions. I ask more questions to them than they do to me. This has always bugged me, a little. It seems like I put forth MORE effort to get to know someone than they do with me. I can't help it. I'm a curious person, and I like to REALLY get to know people, and not just on a surface level. Is this a crime? Is this the wrong approach to take? With some people, I suppose so. I need to stop psychoanalyzing every new person that I meet and just let things be revealed in due time....not trying to accelerate the process by my inquisition tactics.
I guess, this is one of my defense mechanisms....to just cut to the chase and find out all the baggage up front...just get it all out there. Everyone has motivations behind who they are and what they do...I want to know what everyone's motivation is. I want to know if they have truly come to terms with who they are as a person, or if they are still just running away from themselves to find the next distraction. I want to know if they have REALLY put forth any sort of effort to HEAL themselves.
But, I stepped WAY over the line of demarkation, and I am truly sorry for this. I was wrong...very wrong. I am humble enough to admit when I have seriously f'ed up, which is more than I can say for the majority of humanity.
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