Jun 28, 2005 09:41
apparently the plates in my world are shifting that that is why I am allowed to be absolutely fucking insane. I think for a weeek there I didnt even think It was strange that I took a shot of vodka every night before bed. I suppose part of it was the beauty of the fact that I can do whatever I fucking want in my gorgeous new apartment and no one can tell me to stop. We found a couch on the street a few days ago and tried to drag it up the narrow stair cases, and finally managed, but first put about 3 holes in the walls. I am the new kid, they can't blame me. but at the same time, a few weeks ago I was like fuck drugs i can have fun with friends and then my metaphorical plates started shifting and next thing i knew I was standing on drug island and all the other islands were miles away. I dont know if i would have jumped on anyway. talk about metaphors...
anyway, this whole live 8 thing is ruining my life: my street is closed because it is so close so i cant drive there, but then i have work that night in lower merion (after cancelling work at illuminare which would have been fucking banging because it is soooooo close to the show) so I dont even know if i will be able to get home that night to even enjoy the alcohol and ruckus outside my windows. now july 4th isnt even a concern to me.
I miss some people. They should call. We should hang out. Old times werent bad, new times dont have to be either.