Kris Allen - Knitting Factory at Reno, NV 11/16 (opening for Lifehouse w/ Alyssa Bernal)

Nov 17, 2010 10:06

I had an amazing time with teamaims, lithoboly, and odontv at the concert last night. They are such good times!!!!

This is totally tl;dr

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Comments 9

yuppielawyer November 17 2010, 20:41:57 UTC
LMAO great recap! Glad you had a wonderful experience. One day, I will get to go to a show with teamaims. One day.

I tried really hard not to molest him but then i saw Maggie do it so i thought "oh what the hell *grabby hands*". I shoulda licked him.

LOL Maggie. Boundaries!

i told kris they should really try some asian food when they're in SF this weekend since that's what we're known for and he said he didn't really know where to go. I offered jokingly that "i could totally show you" and he said "yea? really?". I spazzed and said "yes! you want me to?! let's set this up!!!!!" and he kind of backtracked really quickly probably because he realized i'm a crazy lady lol.

I'm visualizing this all in my head and laughing out loud.



teamaims November 17 2010, 20:46:38 UTC
LOL, all I do is force people to listen and dance to Clay. I am going to turn you guys all into claymates soon. :P


teamaims November 17 2010, 20:49:08 UTC
Ahhh! This was such an amazing day! You should've totally licked him!

and you totally flashed Steve. Why would I lie? 0:)


jeyhawk November 17 2010, 21:20:23 UTC
Awesome recap. Sounds like you guys had fun. ;D


hyper_mofo November 17 2010, 21:42:55 UTC
I will forever kick myself in the face for missing this. :(

(Although you're probably annoyed with me saying this by now, lol.)


cabayuki November 17 2010, 23:47:52 UTC
So you have a cardboard cut-out of Justin Bieber, you kreepers? :P

Grad you had so much fun. If I ever meet you, I am so buying you drinks LMAO


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