karaoke gone bad (personal stuff)

Oct 10, 2010 15:23

i had a huge fight with my sister last night

we went out with our cousins to this karaoke bar place and we all had quite a bit to drink

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personal stuff

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Comments 4

daemonicangel October 11 2010, 17:22:31 UTC
:(((( sorry to hear you had such a shitty night. *hugs*

i don't think it's a bad thing to have strong opinions at all, but in the sense one can still have a strong opinion, yet still able to reason and comprehend another side, though they might not agree with it -- to just recognize it and realize that it is there, there are shades of gray.

i always try to go into conflict willing (even if begrudgingly so) to see a possibly different side, though it might conflict with my own beliefs. i mean, it never hurts to get hear different thoughts or perspectives -- i try to keep that in mind when i talk with other people about serious issues, though i'll admit it's not always reciprocated at times (i have a friend who is stubborn as fuck in her thoughts and while she might listen to a differing views, that's all she does with them).

i think there's a difference between having strong opinions and having strong opinions, you know ( ... )


spangel_kat October 11 2010, 18:30:24 UTC
i know i can come off strong sometimes and i should back off, so i'll try to work on that. i never try to assert my opinion on people, but if something comes up, i'm going to say what i feel / think. for issues i care about, i've pretty much thought them through so i know what i think so i might sound intimidating or stubborn when i say them? but i HAVE thought about the other side and my opinions are based on a lot of discussions i've had with people and things i've read. so it's not like i'm just stubborn and won't budge for no reason. if they had compelling arguments, i would recognize them. idk, maybe i'm just talking to the wrong people about these things. for example, when i start ranting about hate crimes and homosexual remarks, i know a lot of my friends and family think i'm being too serious about things. but i don't think i am b/c i know the effects and i feel like they don't so they always think i'm a party pooper or something. but w/e ( ... )


daemonicangel October 11 2010, 19:10:42 UTC
yeah, in that case, it just depends on the people you're discussing whatever with -- that's just how it goes with communication issues, which can really suck at times. some people are just more receptive to certain issues, while others... i wouldn't necessarily stick to the kind of ignorance is bliss sort of thing, but yeah. they'd just rather not deal with it unless they absolutely have to (i.e. directly involves them in some way and demands their attention ( ... )


spangel_kat October 11 2010, 19:39:03 UTC
i agree with everything you said.

but idk, she hasn't talked to me about it since. for all i know, she went ahead anyway.

i know the two other main people she asked are my friends as well, diem and raymond. i can see where their advice comes from and that's also part of the reason why i don't think she should listen to them. diem has been cheated on a lot and she's kind of jaded about relationships, and trust, and love. it's almost like she's been desensitized about cheating. and raymond also just had a pretty bitter break-up with his ex. i personally think their experiences, especially at that time, affected their judgment.

anyways, thanks for responding and helping me talk this out lol


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